A Boy from Kentucky is a CD providing some relief to the player.
A CD is used in conjunction with a ValuTech PortaDisc. It can be listened to with earbuds or headphones. CD's are regularly found in houses and in various containers.
The player can reduce boredom by -5 for each line of dialog while playing the CD.
The CD plays...
Person 1:
♫ Well I'm a boy from Kentucky... ♫
♫ ...and because I'm unlucky... ♫
♫ I was sent all the way... ♫
♫ ...to Tennessee. ♫
♫ On her front porch I met her... ♫
♫ and on her back porch I first kissed her. ♫
♫ But then I went home, cus of momma's ice tea... ♫
♫ Oh I'm a boy from Kentucky... ♫
♫ ... And yup, I'm unlucky... ♫
♫ Cos I never said: 'Bonnie... Marry me' ♫
Back cover
Hank Gilman.
Released August 1978. Countryfile Recordings.
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
Bag_ALICEpack | Large Backpack | 1.61% |
Bag_BigHikingBag | Big Hiking Bag | 1.61% |
Bag_DuffelBag | Duffel Bag | 1.61% |
Bag_DuffelBagTINT | Duffel Bag | 1.61% |
Bag_NormalHikingBag | Hiking Bag | 1.61% |
Bag_Satchel | Satchel | 1.61% |
Bag_Schoolbag | School Bag | 1.61% |
BandPractice | crate | 23.28% |
BandPractice | crate | 41.14% |
BandPractice | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
BandPractice | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
Handbag | Handbag | 1.61% |
Purse | Purse | 1.61% |
all | Outfit_Student | 2.81% |
all | Outfit_Varsity | 2.81% |
all | desk | 6.29% |
all | dresser | 6.29% |
all | locker | 6.29% |
all | officedrawers | 6.29% |
all | shelves | 6.29% |
all | sidetable | 6.29% |
all | wardrobe | 6.29% |
bathroom | locker | 6.29% |
bedroom | crate | 1.01% |
bedroom | desk | 6.29% |
bedroom | dresser | 6.29% |
bedroom | sidetable | 6.29% |
bedroom | wardrobe | 6.29% |
changeroom | locker | 6.29% |
closet | crate | 1.01% |
closet | crate | 6.29% |
closet | metal_shelves | 6.29% |
daycare | wardrobe | 6.29% |
electronicsstorage | shelves | 60.41% |
electronicsstorage | shelves | 23.28% |
electronicsstorage | shelves | 41.14% |
electronicsstore | counter | 60.41% |
electronicsstore | counter | 23.28% |
electronicsstore | counter | 41.14% |
electronicsstore | shelves | 60.41% |
electronicsstore | shelves | 23.28% |
electronicsstore | shelves | 41.14% |
factorystorage | locker | 6.29% |
garagestorage | crate | 1.01% |
garagestorage | crate | 6.29% |
garagestorage | crate | 23.28% |
garagestorage | crate | 41.14% |
garagestorage | crate | 76.55% |
garagestorage | locker | 6.29% |
hall | locker | 10.78% |
laundry | locker | 6.29% |
livingroom | shelves | 10.78% |
livingroom | sidetable | 6.29% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 6.29% |
musicstore | shelves | 23.28% |
musicstore | shelves | 41.14% |
musicstore | shelves | 76.55% |
office | desk | 6.29% |
office | shelves | 6.29% |
pawnshop | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshop | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshop | crate | 76.55% |
pawnshop | shelves | 23.28% |
pawnshop | shelves | 41.14% |
pawnshop | shelves | 76.55% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 23.28% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 41.14% |
pawnshopoffice | crate | 76.55% |
policestorage | counter | 6.29% |
security | locker | 6.29% |
storageunit | crate | 1.01% |
storageunit | crate | 6.29% |
storageunit | crate | 23.28% |
storageunit | crate | 41.14% |
storageunit | crate | 76.55% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 1.01% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 23.28% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 41.14% |
storageunit | metal_shelves | 76.55% |
Type | Container | Effective chance |
Ambulance | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Carpenter | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Construction Worker | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Distillery | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Doctor | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Electrician | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Farmer | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Fire | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Fisherman | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Fossoil | Glove Box | 6.29% |
All | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Golf | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Heralds | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Hunter | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Mass Gen Fac | Glove Box | 6.29% |
McCoy | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Metal Welder | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Painter | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Police | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Postal | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Radio | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Ranger | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Spiffo | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Survivalist | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Transit | Glove Box | 6.29% |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt
item Disc_Retail
DisplayCategory = Entertainment,
Type = Normal,
DisplayName = CD,
Icon = Disc,
Weight = 0.1,
WorldStaticModel = Disk,
MediaCategory = CDs,